The North Face didn’t need to own Wikipedia to be anything more than it already was, to anyone. Now, to many of its most ardent fans, it’s something less.
Read MoreThe central conceit of any social network is that once you navigate outside of the hard circle of your close friends, you’re going to be presented with either what’s popular or what fits that channel’s algorithmic impression of you, or both, and that’s nothing if not unoriginal.
Read MoreContent marketing is awesome, except for one thing: It doesn’t jibe with the way humans actually behave.
Read MoreSearch is a fact of our collective marketing existence – but does paid search have to be?
Read MoreEvery major marketing development of the last decade, from social-media advertising to paid search to voice-activated ordering, has simply been a more efficient way of making consumers lazier.
Read MoreFacebook needs to go because it’s the worst kind of friend. You tell it everything and it doesn’t keep your secrets. You trust it and it betrays you.
Read MoreIf you’re working with a client who thinks that you just throw up a website and start Facebooking and the world will beat a path to your door – and these clients still exist – you need to tell them now this is not how it works.
Read MoreIf something is working for you online, you have every right to ask why.
Read MoreWhen is enough enough? At what point do you say “thank you, next” to social media and find some alternatives that aren’t so fundamentally reprehensible?
Read MoreIt’s hard to separate the truth from the BS these days, simply because there’s so much BS and so little truth.
Read MoreEvery style guide hits on many of the same points that in the wrong hands can produce writing that is unremittingly dull and soul-crushing – and detrimental to an organization besides.
Read MoreGood marketing is not and will never be playing the “What time does the Super Bowl start?” game, or hundreds of related games. This is bad marketing, and if you think this sort of dragon-chasing is good marketing, shame on you.
Read MoreMost organizations that create white papers think they’ve created the Super Bowl, when in reality they’ve created the Pro Bowl — an unwatchable mess that barely maintains the forms of the genre. Why is that?
Read MoreYou learn to scrounge when you’re thrust into a competitive-intelligence role without a shred of CI training.
Read MoreVoice-based marketing represents the death – or at least, the precipitous decline – of many types of marketing that many voice-based-marketing supporters also embrace.
Read MoreHow do you make sure 2019 doesn’t repeat previous years’ mistakes?
Read MoreThe good news for organizations of all sizes is that your data doesn’t have to be BIG to be Big Data, and all your intelligence doesn’t have to be artificial.
Read MoreSupposing you’re a word type, how do you make your marketing more visual – and what if your organization isn’t particularly good-looking?
Read MoreAs the year ends and a new year nears, it’s a good time to examine your core social-media approach and see if it still fits your organization.
Read MoreIf you assume that something you did from a marketing standpoint caused a business reaction, and it turns out they were merely correlated, you could be in big trouble.
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