Textbooks, instructors at other schools, and students all seem to have some really cockeyed ideas about marketing research … or maybe I do.
Read MoreHope your 2020 plans don’t include a lot of spending on SEO.
Read MoreMedia done right works. For all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth over the future of media and marketing, it comes down to that.
Read MoreConsumers deserve a piece of the action – their action – and it shouldn’t come cheap just because their name isn’t Amazon or Google.
Read MoreThe North Face didn’t need to own Wikipedia to be anything more than it already was, to anyone. Now, to many of its most ardent fans, it’s something less.
Read MoreIf you’re working with a client who thinks that you just throw up a website and start Facebooking and the world will beat a path to your door – and these clients still exist – you need to tell them now this is not how it works.
Read MoreGood marketing is not and will never be playing the “What time does the Super Bowl start?” game, or hundreds of related games. This is bad marketing, and if you think this sort of dragon-chasing is good marketing, shame on you.
Read MoreSolid research and a commitment to customer experience can appropriately frame the discussions in an offsite or budget-planning meeting, and can make the process much more efficient and fulfilling.
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