Our Origin
Synthetic automaton or organic robotoid?
You want an origin story? How about this:
I knew I was different the day my parents were killed by a radioactive spider that emerged from a glowing egg-shaped asteroid. As I absorbed the glow I was transformed into from an organic robotoid into a synthetic automaton crafted from the most indestructible substance known to man: disposable diapers. And I could shoot laser beams out of my nostrils.
Now that’s an origin story. But it’s not PRM’s story.
Polymath No. 1 (a/k/a Kit Kiefer) …
The author, on assignment for The New York Times, writing about the "Bathtub" Nash, the SUV before there were SUVs. My son Andy is tending the fire, per usual.
Started in journalism, working for the company that invented sponsored content;
Became the editor-in-chief of a successful national sports magazine at age 25;
Moved into sports marketing;
Became a market analyst for some of Wall Street's largest brokerage houses;
Developed and launched a product a week for a major national consumer brand;
Wrote six volumes of the definitive history of comic books;
Entered the insurance industry;
Moved into predictive modeling and market research;
Wrote more books;
Earned a master’s degree in communication;
Had his research published in academic journals;
Used content marketing and product research to launch a new national consumer brand;
Taught social media;
Became obsessed with CX; and
Created a series of award-winning thought-leadership whitepapers.
And here I am in the photographers' well at the old Milwaukee County Stadium, back when I was editing the world's largest sports-collectibles magazine, and shooting the occasional game. (Brad Newton photo.)
And that's just scratching the surface. We haven't even discussed breaking the story of the discovery of Elvis' first and rarest record, editing the world's largest Pokemon magazine, and judging the International Stone-Skipping Championship.
When PRM says we can do something, it’s because we’ve done something. At the highest levels. Very successfully.
Given that, does it really matter that the person who's faster than a locomotive is also the person who's able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?