Whaddya Say We Name A Stadium?
Photo by Jimmy Conover on Unsplash.
Okay, it’s Wednesday and it’s already been a hectic week, so it’s time for a little fun.
A friend shared a Twitter post last week where the tweeter was asking for names for the Atlanta Braves’ new stadium, scheduled to open this year.
(And is it just me, or do the Braves get a new stadium every five years or so? I mean, the cheesy grits weren’t even cold at the last stadium, and now it’s time to move again.)
Some of the names were good (“Moon Pie Field,” “The Waffle House”) and some were less good (“Adobe”), which made me think: This is a perfect job for a neural network.
You might remember I tried this once before, with baseball nicknames. This time I found a short list of stadium nicknames somewhere, and fed it into all-time time-suck Talk to Transformer.
TTT did not fail me. It came up with a fine lot of stadium names, which I’ll share in bulk momentarily. But first, a few observations.
The net was pretty sure it was naming video games. There were a bunch of names that were obviously from video games:
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
New Super Luigi U
New Super Mario Bros. U
Super Mario Maker
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi's Woolly World
And then there were some that if they weren’t video-game-related would make awesome video games – or death-metal bands:
Dark Arisen
Demons vs Demons
Demons vs Demons
Demons VS Human
Demons vs Humans
Demons VS Humans (1 of 16)
There was also a general obsession with zombies and dogs:
Zombi 2
Zombicide 2
Zombie Apocalypse
Zombie City
Zombie Island
Zombie Island (of Takayama)
Zombie Rock Shop
Zombie Town
Zombie Wombat
Dog Heaven 1
Dog Heaven 2
Dog Heaven 3
Dog Heaven 4
Dog Heaven Series 10
Dog Heaven Series 11
Dog Heaven Series 2
Dog Heaven Series 4
Dog Heaven Series 6
Dog Heaven Series 7
Dog Heaven Series 8
Dog Heaven Series 9
And there was the run-of-the-mill weird crap:
Charming Larceny
Coffee, a Wonderful Life
Dr. Hibbert's Pizzicato School of Performing Arts
The Adventures of the Wily Moogly Show (American cartoon)
Harlem's Most Sacred Ground
The Family That Could Be Your Life
West Side Story (of Springfield Elementary School) (of Homer Simpson's Springfield)
YMCA (in the old house at the top of the hill - where you climb up the hill and head through the wooden door)
While I would be more than good with any of these as a name for a multi-million-dollar baseball stadium, I am not the target audience, so we press on.
After sifting through hundreds of names, here are my choices for the top five names for the Braves’ new stadium, as created by the neural net:
5) The Garden of Fear. It’s got everything: scary images and topiary – you know, something with a nice layered effect. (RIP Terry Jones.)
4) Yuppie Land. Truth in advertising, y’all.
3) The Whipping Post. Gotta love the Allman Brothers reference.
2) Vancouver. Also, “West Virginia.”
1) The Frying Pan. Can you not hear the announcer, on a blazing Hotlanta Sunday afternoon, saying, “And welcome to The Frying Pan, where we expect the visiting New York Mets to be jumping into the fire before long”? Perfect.
If none of those trip your stadium-naming trigger, consider these:
A House Divided
Alley of Shame
Bad Moon Rising
Escape from New York
Kung Fu Temple
Pork Chop Express
The Boneyard
The Book of Mormon
The Boondocks
The Burrow
The Curse House
The Dried Meat
The Dump
The Wicked Womb
The Gnat Pit
The Heart of the Dead City
The Horror Tower
The House of Pain
The Haunted Swamp
The Meat Market
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Nightmare on Elm Street
The Wasteland
The Wham-O-Poo
The Whirly Dirly
The White House (of a House)
The Whore of Babylon
The Wizard's Cave
The World's End
The World's Most Exciting Attraction
The Wreck
Toxic Mountain (Tomb of Fear) [Raft Video]
Waste of Space
We Are the Best!
Yee Haw
Bubba Bubba
I look forward to discussing these further with the stadium-naming Powers That Be while waiting for my check to arrive. In the meantime, best stay out of The Gnat Pit unless you’re wantin’ a whuppin’.
Happy Wednesday.