Polymath Power lets you leverage polymaths – experts in everything from video scripting to customer experience to competitive intelligence – without busting your budget.
Basically, a polymath is someone who is very good at lots of very different things. Discover more ...
Polymath Power provides an exceptional range of marketing services – but you just use what you need.

We are strong advocates for a coordinated business-research program – from brand research to user experience, and everything in between.
We believe in the power of CX, revealed through customer research and journey-mapping; talk to us and you’ll see why.
Of course we do social media and content marketing (with or without AI). The difference is, we’ve been doing it longer than just about anyone.
Our experience launching hundreds of consumer and B2B products has given us unique insight into the product-development process.
We love helping businesses create holistic, integrated marketing plans – and the schedules and budgets to match.
We stay on the cutting edge so you can reap the benefits.
We do the legwork and the bookwork to understand your business, your customers, and your audiences.
You want an origin story? How about this ...

Polymath Power was born on a dark and stormy … afternoon, when our first Polymath realized it’s okay to be good at lots of different marketing stuff, even though it may flummox the corporate world.

Chief Digital Transformation Officer
I've been fortunate to work with Kit for nearly 15 years in marketing. I was so impressed with his skills, when I had a chance to hire and build a team he was my first call. Kit's strongest skills are writing and content creation; however, he's has strong analytics and research skills that allow him to manage and execute a wide-range of marketing initiatives. As talented as he is professionally, he's an even a better person to work with. Kit's got a heart of gold and would do anything to help his team.
Marketing Communications Manager
I found Kit to be a superb networker with a winning demeanor that he used to his advantage to cultivate alliances and gain important perspectives on the competitive marketplace. He has been a true team player -- always willing to share information and collaborate on important projects. He possesses a rare combination of creativity and business acumen that we found to be an asset on many occasions.
Head of Marketing
First, Kit is hands down, one of the best writers I have ever had the pleasure of working with or managing. He has an uncanny ability to make magic out of madness and craft compelling stories. Second, Kit is a grinder. He comes to work every day with passion and energy and can knock out more in an 8-10 hour day than many people can in twice the time. Last, he is a tremendous advocate for his team. He genuinely wants those around him to succeed which is both admirable and necessary. Even though I managed Kit, I've always appreciated that I learned from him on how to be a better writer and communicator myself. He was an invaluable member of my team.